TWU Jones Hall Dental Hygiene Clinic & Counseling Center

In partnership with Kahler Slater, BRW set out to revitalize the existing Jones Hall, a 1960s dorm building, into a state-of-the-art Dental Hygiene Clinic and Student Counseling Services Clinic at Texas Woman’s University. Previously, the building held a stigma on campus due to its age and state of repair. Contemporizing and updating the mid-century dorm became a top priority to ensure the facility functions well to meet ever-evolving educational standards, as well as to provide the campus with a building students and faculty can feel proud of.

TWU’s Multidisciplinary Health Clinic acknowledges the existing restrictive site and building constraints by creatively utilizing shared spaces to accommodate both clinic programs. Focusing on the Dental Hygiene component, the project includes the Dental Hygiene Clinic, Faculty Practice Clinic, Central Sterile Facility, Materials Lab, and Radiology Suite. The Student Counseling Services Clinic has general counseling rooms and specialized spaces for Music/ Art Therapy, Mind/Body Therapy, and Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Therapy. Both clinic programs include space for general and specialized practice requirements while sharing a multidisciplinary classroom and conference room to welcome all building users with a space for learning and meeting.

*associate architect Kahler Slater


+ 35,123 SF
+ Counseling Center
+ Dental Hygiene Clinic
+ Radiology
+ Interior Finish Out
+ Renovation
+ Entry Plaza
+ Contemporary Façade