Your space matters.
As an integrated design firm, BRW works with a wide range of clients to plan interior spaces that are innovative, creative, and relevant to the people working inside. We understand employees feel comfortable, safe, and productive in an environment where the space is meaningful and responsive to their work and reflects the energy and spirit of the group.
Our teams from Law, Fire, Federal, and Education, draw on years of award winning expertise for tailored solutions that fully support efficient functionality of highly specialized workspaces, take into consideration future growth or change, and center the health and wellness of employees and staff.
Tell the story of your organization with just one step inside the door. Work with our interior design specialists to express the nature, character, and vibrancy of the work going on in your organization while also tending to the well-being and flexible needs of employees.
Pods for quiet focus, collaborative workspaces, and seamless digital integration–at BRW, we can work with you to create an interior that inspires each person who steps inside.
We’re eager to hear about your needs.
Featured Interiors.
“I LOVE IT! You guys have knocked it out of the park on this one. I am so proud of what we will be able to offer our patients, students, and staff. I’ve got bragging rights at every dental meeting I go to for the rest of my life.”
-Dr. Stephen J. Griffin, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, TAMU
TAMU HSC College of Dentistry