Designing for Solid Foundations

Employee Retention Matters

Written by April Bell

In the competitive and project-driven world of architecture, ensuring we attract and retain top talent is paramount for sustained success and innovation. Architecture firms face unique challenges in nurturing a workforce that balances creative brilliance with technical proficiency, all while managing deadlines, client expectations, and the pressures of design excellence. As retention trends are constantly evolving, we have found effective strategies for boosting workplace retention and fostering an environment where our design team and support staff alike feel valued, engaged, and inspired to build their futures.


A firm’s success in retaining its workforce hinges on its ability to recognize and nurture the aspirations and well-being of its employees, laying the foundation for a resilient and creative future.

The architecture industry operates on a project-centric model, with fluctuating workloads and the continual pressure to secure new business. This can lead to periods of high stress and burnout among employees. Additionally, the emphasis on creativity and innovation places a premium on retaining individuals who can continually contribute fresh ideas and perspectives. Thus, understanding these dynamics is crucial for developing effective retention strategies.

Strategies for Retaining Talent in Architecture Firms

1. Promote a Collaborative Culture: Architecture thrives on collaboration. Fostering a culture where ideas are freely shared, and teamwork is prioritized can significantly enhance job satisfaction. Knowledge sharing helps to gain insight and tips to boost team productivity and production, builds a sense of community and mutual respect, and provides opportunities for professional development. A positive workplace fosters loyalty and engagement among employees.

BRW Highlight: Design Pin-Ups across various studios provide opportunities to showcase ideas and receive feedback, suggestions, and share knowledge among colleagues.

2. Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits: While architects are often driven by passion, fair and competitive compensation remains crucial. Ensure your firm’s salaries, benefits, and perks (such as professional development allowances, licensure support, and wellness programs) are in line with or exceed industry standards. Tailor benefits to support work-life balance, acknowledging the sometimes-erratic hours demanded by the profession.

BRW Highlight: We offer comprehensive coverage and supplemental benefits like access to legal professionals and pet insurance. Plus, we offer allowances for professional development and provide licensure support both with study materials and the cost of testing.

3. Provide Clear Paths for Career Advancement: Whether you are on the design and production side of architecture or on the support side in business development, marketing, finance, or administration, career progression can be a significant motivator. Outline clear pathways for advancement within the firm, offering mentorship programs, leadership training, and opportunities for employees to lead projects or initiatives. Recognizing and promoting talent from within can significantly boost morale and retention.

BRW Highlight: Our Operations team has outlined Architecture and Support career pathways to make it easier to navigate the career you envision. Meanwhile, we have a Mentoring Practice Team that is dedicated to providing leadership training and cross-mentorship.

4. Encourage Professional Development and Lifelong Learning: The field of architecture is continuously evolving, with new technologies, materials, and sustainability practices. Support your staff’s professional growth through ongoing education, workshops, and participation in industry conferences. This not only keeps your team at the forefront of architectural innovation but also signals your investment in their careers.

BRW Highlight: We offer extensive professional development opportunities: mentorship, LinkedIn Learning, AIA certifications, guest seminars, and so much more.

5. Provide Meaningful Feedback and Recognition: Regular feedback and recognition are essential for employee growth and motivation. Offer constructive feedback on performance, celebrate achievements, and acknowledge contributions publicly. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to remain committed to their roles.

BRW Highlight: To provide regular feedback, we conduct six-week check-ins as well as mid-year role development and end of year reviews. Employees are celebrated firmwide on their year, 3-year, 5-year, 7-year, and 10 year+ anniversaries.

6. Foster a Supportive Environment for Creativity and Innovation: Allow architects the freedom to explore new ideas and push design boundaries. This might include allocating time for research and development projects, entering design competitions, or developing speculative works that align with the firm’s values but are not client-driven. Such initiatives can provide a creative outlet and enhance the firm’s portfolio and reputation.

BRW Highlight: We have a variety of Practice Teams that foster creativity and innovation such as BIM, Mentoring, Quality Control, Technical, and Sustainability Design & Wellness, as well as teams focused on Opportunity Creation, Resource Accessibility, Client Commitment, Cultivating People, Operational Excellence, and Thought Leadership.

7. Promote Work-Life Balance: Recognize the sometimes-intense demands of architectural projects and acknowledge the importance of work-life balance in today’s fast-paced world. Encourage employees to prioritize their well-being by offering flexible schedules and paid time off. By accommodating their personal needs, you demonstrate empathy and support, fostering loyalty in return.

BRW Highlight: Our firm respects work-life balance, so we’ve implemented flexible hours. Whether you’re an early or late riser, start your day when you want so you can be your most productive.

8. Cultivate a Sense of Purpose and Connection: Architects often choose their profession out of a desire to impact the built environment positively. Reinforce this sense of purpose by engaging in projects that align with the firm’s values, whether through community projects, sustainable design, or innovative architectural solutions. Additionally, celebrate project completions and milestones, reinforcing the team’s role in achieving these successes.

BRW Highlight: We believe that you should enjoy where you’re working, who you’re working with, and what you’re working on. We connect with one another through regular get-togethers including Thirsty Thursdays, Movies Over Lunch, Breakfast Club, Foodie Fridays, Top Golf outings, team building activities, community outreach initiatives, and the occasional Nerf gun war.



We are Focused on What Matters
In the architecture industry, where projects can last months or even years, the retention of skilled and motivated employees is crucial. By fostering a supportive, collaborative, and innovative work environment, architecture firms can not only retain their top talent but also attract new talent looking for a place where their careers can flourish. Ultimately, a firm’s success in retaining its workforce hinges on its ability to recognize and nurture the aspirations and well-being of its employees, laying the foundation for a resilient and creative future.