Lewisville Tittle McFadden Public Safety Center

The Tittle McFadden Public Safety Center replaces outdated and undersized facilities for Lewisville’s Police Station, Fire Administration, Central Fire Station, Quartermaster, Data Center, 911 Dispatch, and adds a state-of-the-art EOC facility integrated with training and multi-use space along with a 5-level parking garage. The new facilities provide for current needs with the ability to accommodate expanded staff to support the projected city build-out.

Lewisville’s public safety departments share a rich history of service that is also embodied by the long and distinguished contributions of its beloved namesake Fire and Police chiefs. The spirit of the community, guiding principles of the city, and core values of the public safety departments are represented in the architectural concept that presents a welcoming front porch to the community, pride in outstanding service, and focus on support for the community and the dedicated staff who serve them.

The public safety facilities occupy roughly half of a 16+ acre municipal campus that also hosts the city’s jail, courts, main library, recreation center and parks administration, and Information Technology, among other city departments. Through forethought to construction phasing, public and staff parking management, and careful design and coordination with other projects, all facilities remain in operation throughout the construction process.


+ Police Station
+ 911 Dispatch
+ Emergency Operations Center
+ Crime Lab
+ New Parking Garage
+ Integrated Training Facilities
+ Property & Evidence storage
+ Central Fire Administration & Station