The 2015 International Building Code first adopted the requirement for Storm Shelters and referenced the ICC 500 as the standard for compliance. The most current published edition of the ICC/NSSA Standard for the Design and Construction of Storm Shelters is 2014. The next update to the standard is the ICC 500-2020. The 2020 edition was approved by ANSI as an American National Standard on November 2, 2020, and referenced in the 2021 International Building Code.
Highlights of updates are as follows:
2023 Texas Fire Chiefs Association Annual Conference
March 20-23, 2023
Waco, TX
Attending is: Peri Sutton, Traci Anderson, Stephen Hilt, and Ray Holliday
2023 Texas Police Chiefs Association
April 2-6, 2023
Fort Worth, TX
Attendees: Garrett Barker, Peri Sutton, Fred Clifford, Justin Dreyer, Stephen Hilt, and Ray Holliday
2023 A4LE Annual Southern Region Conference
April 3–6, 2023
Tulsa, OK
Attendees: Lisa Lamkin, Kathy Lee, Steve Johnson, and Anne Hildenbrand
2023 TACS East Conference
April 5, 2023
Tyler, TX
Attendees: Rusty Crawford and Jeffrey Choyce
Dallas White Rock Lake Clean up
April 8, 2023
Join the BRW Dallas team in giving back! We will meet at 8007 E Northwest Hwy, Dallas, TX. As a group we will clean up the area around White Rock Lake from 10:00AM – 11:00AM.
2023 Texas Library Association (TLA)
April 19–22, 2023
Austin, TX
Attendees: Matthew Duggan, Traci Anderson, Fred Clifford, and Stephen Hilt
2023 Station Design Conference
May 23–25, 2023
St. Louis, MO
Attendees: Marcus Gibbon, Peri Sutton, Stephen Hilt, and Ray Holliday
2023 TASA TASB Convention
Sept 29–Oct 1, 2023
Dallas, TX
Attendees: Rusty Crawford, Lisa Lamkin, and Jeffrey Choyce
2023 Texas Municipal League (TML)
Oct. 4–6, 2023
Dallas, TX
Attendee: Fred Clifford